Learn how ArcGIS Solutions can help your organization during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic


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Business Continuity


Understand the operational capacity of your workforce; monitor the status of your facilities; and communicate disruptions to customers and stakeholders.


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Identify at-risk populations; locate optimal testing sites; manage testing site status; and share testing site information with the public.


Recovery Metrics

Tabulate symptoms, cases, and hospital capacity metrics; monitor key recovery trends and performance targets; and communicate progress made to interested stakeholders.

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Vulnerable Populations

Engage community volunteers; register homebound individuals; conduct regular wellness checks; and monitor the wellness of vulnerable individuals.

Small Business


Engage local business owners; measure impact of pandemic on small business; manage health order violations; and promote small business recovery.

Force Readiness


Understand the operational capacity of your force; monitor the status of your units; and communicate disruptions to commanders and administrative NCO's.


Hospitalization and PPEs

Solicit daily hospitalization and personal protective equipment (PPE) reports; and monitor the capacity of hospitals and PPE supplies.



Monitor coronavirus cases; communicate the impact on public places; inventory testing and meal sites; monitor meal programs; and share information with the public.

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Business Reopening

Evaluate coronavirus case data and health restrictions; understand impact on business locations across many jurisdictions; and share information with key stakeholders.

Local Government


Improving local government operations and enhancing services provided to the public

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Land Records


Manage an accurate inventory of real property; describe who owns the land; analyze land value and associated improvements; and maximize property tax revenue.

Water Utilities

Water Utilities

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Public Works

Public Works

Maintain right of way assets; meet transportation and environmental quality needs; coordinate and plan capital projects; and operate parks, and government facilities in a safe and effective way.

Fire Service

Fire Service

Leverage geographic information to analyze risk; develop pre-incident plans; and improve response activities that protect human life, property, and natural resources.

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Emergency Management

Help agencies become more resilient; develop preparedness plans; respond to and recover from incidents; and develop plans to mitigate future incidents.

Law Enforcement


Understand trends, analyze the dynamics of an incident; collaborate with other agencies; and allocate resources effectively to protect human life and property.

Planning and Development

Planning and Development

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Obtain information about elected officials, locate voting centers or polling locations, manage wait times and requests, monitor performance, and share election results.

Health and Human Services


Prevent the spread of diseases; maintain a safe and clean environment; promote and encourage healthy behaviors; and ensure accessibility to health and human services.



Inform the public of service changes; manage transit safety reports and mitigation plans; monitor the performance of transit agencies; and partner with volunteers to keep transit stops safe and clean.


Your Entire Organization

Organize your online mapping platform and geographic information; publish a series of authoritative basemaps; and deploy a collection of maps and apps that add value to your entire organization.

State Government


Improving state government operations and enhancing services provided to the public

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Protect and conserve fish and wildlife populations; and promote hunting, fishing and other outdoor recreational opportunities available to residents and visitors.


Promote economic growth of agriculture sector; control and eradicate plant pests and diseases; ensure safe food supplies; and encourage environmental stewardship.

Natural Resources

Conserve and manage natural resources; promote outdoor recreational opportunities; and ensure sustainable commercial uses of natural resources.

Secretary of State

Locate early voting or election day polling locations; share election results; obtain information about current elected officials; and develop redistricting plans.



Build and maintain effective transportation systems; ensure safety and environmental quality; coordinate capital investments; and enhance access to information.

Economic Development

Market key quality of life indicators and business diversity; attract and retain new businesses; and promote community events and activities throughout a state.

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement

Understand trends, analyze the dynamics of an incident; collaborate with other agencies; and allocate resources effectively to protect human life and property.


Emergency Management

Help agencies become more resilient; develop preparedness plans; respond to, and recover from, incidents; and develop plans to mitigate future incidents.


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Analyze patterns and trends in vital records; promote and encourage healthy behaviors; and ensure accessibility to health and human services.

Your Entire Organization

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Emergency Management


Helping agencies become more resilient, develop preparedness plans, and respond to emergencies

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Understand risk and evaluate resiliency; increase response capabilities when a disaster occurs; and increase awareness throughout a community.



Address the short-term impacts of an incident; maintain situational awareness; conduct initial damage assessments; and inform key stakeholders and the general public.


Assess the full impact or extent of an incident; return vital systems to normal operating standards; and execute service and site restoration plans.


Reduce or eliminate risks to persons or property; lessen the actual or potential consequences of an incident; and reduce the effects of unavoidable disasters.



Enhancing water, sewer and stormwater utility asset information and operations

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Water Delivery

Maintain information about your water network assets, plan capital projects, respond to leaks, reduce water loss, optimize field work, communicate with customers, and more.

Sewer Collection

Gain insight from CCTV data, improve capital project planning, maintain information about sewer network assets, perform field inspections, inform customers about overflows, understand service requests, and more.

Stormwater Conveyance

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Optimizing electric utility operations

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Organize your network assets, map critical infrastructure, collect system data in the field, and more.



Create facility maps, analyze data, provide information to your entire organization, and more.



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Leverage your geographic information to maintain comprehensive gas utility records, plan and conduct mandatory inspections, communicate with customers, and more.


Create facility reports, survey assets, provide information to your entire organization, and more.


Organize your network assets, summarize facilities for annual reporting, collect system data in the field, and more.

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Leverage your geographic information to increase sales to new and existing customers, reduce operating costs, improve route provisioning, and reduce time to market.

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Leverage your geographic information to increase sales to new and existing customers, improve marketing and operational efficiency, and reduce time to market.



Delivering defense agencies timely insight to make strategic decisions and conduct tactical operations

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Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance


Synthesize information from multiple sources; turn raw data into relevant information; collaborate and share critical information.



Capture information in the field; connect to streaming feeds; enhance the operational picture for situational awareness and rapid response.



Geospatially manage facilities; conduct training and strategic planning; sustain and protect the force.

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ArcGIS Solutions for Intelligence

Helping the intelligence professional collect, analyze, and create intelligence products.

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ArcGIS Pro Intelligence

Quickly ingest data from multiple sources and analyze their spatial, temporal, and relational context.


ArcGIS Solutions for Business

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Corporate Security

Identify and assess threats within proximity of your assets; communicate and share information across your organization; and maintain operational awareness.


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Determine the best store locations and forecast profitability by understanding where purchases happen.


ArcGIS Solutions for Conservation

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Capture wildlife observations and monitor populations; eradicate invasive species; and analyze trends within protected areas.



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Identify and manage wildlife conflicts; engage local communities; and promote protected area tourism opportunities.

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